Active Your Way - A Guide
A short guide from the US Department of Health and Human Services on how to fit physical activity into your life. PDF format Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
From the US Department of Health and Human Services. Extensive (60+ pages) recommendations on physical activity for adults and children. PDF format (Exercise Prescription
on the Net) is a free resource for the exercise professional,
coach, or fitness enthusiast featuring comprehensive exercise
libraries (over 1,300 exercises!), fitness assessment calculators,
and numerous reference articles - for all fitness levels and ages.
Mayo Clinic's Exercise Basics
Extensive non-commercial site with multiple resources from basic
fitness information to in-depth discussions, multimedia and additional
An Exercise Quiz
From NBC and iVillage - a simple, confidential self-test on exercise basics as well as links to exercise-related information.
FITNESS.GOV - Web Resources From the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Links to a broad range of reputable web resources on a variety of health and fitness topics.
President's Challenge - Adult Fitness Test From the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports 5 which works to make the health and fitness of all
Americans a top national priority. The Adult Fitness Test
includes a series of challenges that you can do and then enter your
data online for a confidential evaluation. Covers aerobic
fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body
Exercise Videos
From Exercise is Medicine's Keys to Exercise video series. Includes videos on the type, intensity, and duration
of aerobic exercise as well as strength training, flexibility, and even
setting up a home gym on a shoestring.
Exercising with Health Conditions From the American
College of Sports Medicine. Short resource articles on exercising with various health
conditions - including asthma, osteoporosis, aneurisms, cerebral palsy, hypertension,
MS, diabetes, and more.
More Fitness Basics
From Everyday Health. Covers exercise basics, workouts, health conditions, motivation, shoe suggestions, and more.