Walgreen's Prescription Savings Club You
can purchase over 400 generic drugs for $12 for a 90 day supply .
You can also get over 5,000 brand name and generic medications
and store coupons as well.
Wal-Mart's Prescription Program Pharmacy
customers can purchase 30 day supplies of
350 generic medications for $4 or 90 day supplies for
$10 as well as over 1,000 over-the-counter drugs for $4 or less. Kmart Prescription Program Kmart offers numerous generic drugs for a fixed cost of $15 for a 90 day supply.
Free or Low-Cost Drugs through PPA New
Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA) includes a variety of
public and private patient assistance programs that help low-income,
uninsured Virginia residents access free, or nearly
free, prescription medicines.
Free/Discount Drugs
Merck provides its
medicines free or at discounts to
people without prescription drug coverage and/or who are low income
Pfizer's Free/Discount Drugs
Pfizer offers
various medicines free or at discounts to
people without prescription drug coverage and/or who are low income
Regional Drug Programs
Additional sources of lower-cost or free drugs
available to Virginia
residents in certain counties or areas
Veterans' Drug Benefits
Veterans may be eligible for drug benefits
along with other health
services. Information on the web or
call 877-222-VETS (8387)
Disease-based Assistance New Needymeds.org
provides a list of organization that help people with the costs of
medications and other assistance. You can search by disease or