w  w  w  .  v  a  h  e  a  l  t  h  .  i  n  f  o
If It's About Health, It's Here!
Virginia Health
Information Project
Reliable, non-commercial health and nutrition information for all ages.
Information on specific diseases, prescription drugs, lab tests, doctors,
hospitals, state resources, national organizations, an extensive
Health Library,and much, much more!

   Resources for Parents, Adults, & Seniors
Extensive local, state and national resources covering health, safety, and nutrition conviently organized by age group. 

    The Health Library
A broad range of reliable health information from  government
and non-profit agencies -  information on diseases, drugs, surgical and diagnostic procedures, a huge list of Hotlines, a medical dictionary for kids, videos of surgical procedures, alternative medicine information, and much more

    Top Health Headlines
Today's latest health news from around the world

    Healthy Home Environment  NEW
Extensive information about home health hazards and advice for dealing with them.  Includes ventilation and in-door air quality, water quality, moisture and mold remediation, lead paint, ozone, radon, asbestos, dust, pesticides and herbicides, common consumer chemicals, and much more.

   2017 Flu Information

Initial  funding and support for the Virgina Health Information Project
comes from the Commonwealth of 
Virginia.  Please click on
the AG Seal for more information

Click Seal for Details
Donations to the VHIP include the opportunity
to receive Virginia 65% Income Tax Credits

Click for more information

Navigation Tips
For a VHIP Flyer you can print and display at your location, please Click here

The Virginia Health Information Project's internet service is generously provided
by Hughes Network Systems utilizing their new Gen4 service
and the VHIP's site hosting is generously provided by PAIR.COM

  Copyright 2005 - 2017 - The Soho Center for Arts and Education, Inc.including pages at  firstclassparents.com, and at child2000.org
All Rights are Reserved