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___________________________________Consistently among Google's Top 5 for "Virginia Health Information" Virginia Health Information Project ___________________________________ We Could Use Your Help - And We Offer Some Unique Donation Opportunities The Virginia Health Information Project (VHIP) was developed and is maintained by the Soho Center, a 40 year-old 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Madison, Virginia. The VHIP helps tens of thousands of adults, parents, and seniors get reliable, non-commercial state-specific and national health, nutrition, and safety resources. You can help us do even more. _______________________________________________________________________________ . Individual Donations of Any Amount Using PayPal or Credit Card You can make a tax-deductible donation in any amount by check (address below) or through our secure PayPal/credit card interface. To use this secure online payment method, please Click Here. NOTE: This will open in a new window or tab Special Zero-Cost Donation Opportunity for Corporate and Individual Donors in Virginia. Donations of at least $500 from individuals in Virginia or of at least $1,000 from businesses in Virginia give the donor their full federal deduction plus a 65% Virginia Income Tax Credit that can be used dollar-for-dollar to pay Virginia Income Tax obligations. Depending on your federal income tax bracket, there are two options for a true zero-cost donation. For more about this zero-cost option, please Click Here. Donations of Products or Services are also Welcome. Individuals and businesses can also make tax-deductible donations of certain products - including new children's books, new children's clothing, and media equipment as well as certain services. If you would like to explore this possibility, please call us directly at 540-923-5012 _______________________________________________________________________________ The Soho Center 1564 West Hoover Road Madison, Virginia 22727 ![]() Back to Main Menu |